
Published by Net4SocialImpact Support on

“dress2bless” is a social enterprise that supports women coming out of exploitation to reclaim a life of independence and freedom. We aim to raise the income and improve the living standards of our beneficiaries by providing them with our sewing training program where they can realize their talents. Discovering their potential enables them to re-imagine a positive and fulfilling life.

– Which products/services does this enterprise/organization provide to the general public?

We offer a beautiful range of sustainable and organic handmade accessoiries as cosmetic bags, pencil cases, pillow cases, scarfs and fabric bookcovers. In order to fund our education program we also offer sewing classes to the public.

– Which products/services does this enterprise/organization provide to other enterprises?

We are always looking for retail partners who would like to offer our products in their shops .

– What kind of collaborations are you looking for?

We are looking for collaborations with other social businesses or companies that would like to support our cause.


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