Lebenshilfe Salzburg – Sonnenkraft ist Lebenshilfe
Lebenshilfe Salzburg is a service provider for people with learning disabilities operating throughout the Salzburg region with small local services. It has about 700 employees. The major part of services are offered in the areas of work/ employment (for 600 people with learning disabilities) and housing (for 300 people). There are also other services (e.g. early intervention, therapies, …).
Lebenshilfe Salzburg covers a broad range of services for people of all ages from early childhood support to specialised services for the elderly (about 25 different kinds of services). The focus is on services in the areas of housing and work. People with learning disabilities are encouraged in building self-advocate groups and supported in their activities. The Lebenshilfe organisations also support people with learning disabilities and their families to look after their interests in the community. Inclusion is one of the main political goals and fixed in its guiding principles
During the last years one of the main goals is to extend these guiding principles by themes of sustainability. Therefor the organisation contracted cooperations with new partners. To reach these aims, new collaboration partners, new ideas and new communication stategies must be found.
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