Association NEW
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Declaration of the association
Our association is dedicated to you: the social entrepreneurs in Europe and their partners. The association is a result of “CE-RESPONSIBLE” – a project dedicated to connecting social entrepreneurs and corporations. Our Platform will be sustainable and encourage networking. The association is the formal entity which runs the platform.
It will be an association of legal and natural persons, which supports the collaboration of social and altruistic entrepreneurs, for the sake of common interests in the field of social entrepreneurship in Central Europe.
It will be managed as a non-profit, non-political, independent and voluntary non-governmental organization.
The association will be established with the purpose to implement activities of the project “CE RESPONSIBLE” supported by Interreg CE Programme.
The general objectives of the association are
- to establish a common platform in Central Europe for promotion of altruistic entrepreneurship and encouraging long-term cooperation between altruistic and social entrepreneurs,
- to promote altruistic mentorship to social companies among altruistic entrepreneurs,
- to become an open space for the exchange of information, new knowledge, good practices and ideas for the development of the altruistic and social entrepreneurship in Central Europe.
To achieve its purpose and objectives, the association shall carry out the following activities:
development of altruistic label, promoting social and ethical entrepreneurship. Label will be awarded to altruistic entrepreneurs in partners’ regions, working in line with ethical standards promoted by association,
providing coaching to social and altruistic entrepreneurs about establishment of common interests and setting up goals for mutual long-term cooperation,
developing and testing project on-line tools, where different types of cooperation between altruistic and social entrepreneurs will be tested and evaluated,
collaboration with regional, national and international organizations, supporting altruistic and social entrepreneurship and social economy.
You consider yourself as part of a global community of impact-driven enterprises. These enterprises (both ethical and social enterprises) aim to minimize the negative impact and increase the positive impact of their business conduct.
You RESPECT AND HONOUR ALL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD regardless of their sex, skin colour, language, religion, political or other views of national or social origin, membership of a national minority, their assets, birth or other status.
The SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) of the United Nations represent your global and local framework of action. Your business behaviour reflects the shared value system of our community. You conduct your business with professional INTEGRITY, TRANSPARENCY, RIGHTEOUSNESS AND A JOINT RESPONSIBILITY FOR SOCIETY.
You believe COOPERATION IS CENTRAL. You commit yourself to strengthen our networks within and across the countries of Central Europe.
You are OPEN TO COLLABORATE with other ethical entrepreneurs, which share similar mindset and values as collaboration, exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge are central to the success of your business, but also of social enterprises in general.
You support individuals and entrepreneurs who lack basic access to knowledge and resources.
You invite other companies and individuals to transfer their knowledge in an altruistic way to EMPOWER DISADVANTAGED GROUPS.
You believe that entrepreneurs and customers are interdependent. You know that entrepreneurs and customers need to work together to create a positive social impact. You value your customers and learn from their feedback to IMPROVE YOUR PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES.
You put PEOPLE AT THE HEART OF WHAT YOU DO in your daily business. You support your employees and partners and encourage them to take action in developing their own ideas to make the world better.
Social and ethical entrepreneurship through AWARDED ALTRUISTIC ASSOCIATION LABEL provided to you as associated member of this Association.
Coaching of social and altruistic entrepreneurs, aiming for MUTUAL LONG-TERM Cooperation.
Testing of DIFFERENT TYPES OF COOPERATION between altruistic and social entrepreneurs.
Collaboration with REGIONAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, supporting altruistic and social entrepreneurship.