I am an independent digital media consultant, focussing on Crowdfunding for the creative industries in Austria and Germany. I consulted more than 100 projects, wrote numerous articles on the topic and I am active as a speaker and workshop host. I am running consulting and information portal www.Crowdfunding-Service.com and publish a monthly Crowdfunding newsletter.
Together with my colleague Karsten Wenzlaff from the Berlin based Institut für Kommunikation in Sozialen Medien (ikosom) I published “The (almost) complete guidebook to Crowdfunding for SME’s” as part of the project CrowdFundPort.
During his media studies at Vienna University I worked as a film critic and journalist. I am a passionate web user and always on the hunt for the latest trends in Social Media and Digital Communication. I am also working for the CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria as project manager. Additionally I am supporting a few start-ups and SME's in terms of press relations.