Biserna dolina Grešćevina – Pearl Valley Grešćevina

Published by Net4SocialImpact Support on

NGO involving vulnerable groups to work and make a small profit from farming, placing produce on the local market via a farmers’ market but also through online sale of pre-packed green goodies.

The civic initiative/ association is working towards involving vulnerable groups from the local area to work and make a small profit from farming, placing produce on the local market via a farmers’ market but also online sale of pre-packed green goodies.

Their main project is The Grandparents’ Yard, which will involve producing and placing on the market healthy food, and souvenirs from natural materials, a mini distillery for brandies and liqueurs, a tasting room, production of juices.

The initative is aiming to develop towards creating a social entrepreneurship, buying raw materials from the local area, for finishing products. The aim is to involve as many vulnerable people as possible.

They will start a crowdfunding campaign in 2022/  2023 and are looking for similar stories from CE to be inspired from and learn from, as well as examples of involving medium and large enterprises to support but also gain something from the mutual collaboration.

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