Community Foundation Slagalica

Community Foundation “Slagalica” is established in April 2007, becoming a legal body on 29 August 2007. Founders are local NGOs Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights and Organization for Citizens Initiatives. Organizational structure includes governing board and staff/executive team.
Purpose of CF Slagalica is advancement of citizens’ quality of life through the promotion of multiculturalism, social and economic stability, development of citizens’ activism and democracy as well as preservation of natural and cultural values of the City of Osijek and Slavonia and Baranya region. In order to realize this purpose, CF “Slagalica” has a mission to support local philanthropy, development of sustainable funds, grant making and giving of financial support as well as to encourage social and corporate responsibility. Our key objectives are – promotion of philanthropy on local and regional level – mobilization of local resources in order to meet community needs through assessment of community needs and existing giving programs; – improving organizational capacities for mobilization of local resources through securing institutional stability and visibility of CF Slagalica – networking on national and regional level – improving financial capacities of CF Slagalica through enlargement of endowment as a precondition for long term stability
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