CREMEL – CREative MEdia Lab

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CREMEL (CREative MEdia Lab) aims to create an international strategic partnership developing and testing innovative e-learning content and methodologies addressing Cultural and Creative Industries. The CREMEL project will combine the development of new digital tools with training materials as open-source to help the highest number of cultural and creative industries (CCI) operators/professionals.

The project will contribute to the digital dimension by offering new high-quality learning opportunities and skills development for adults through innovative e-learning content and methodologies addressing CCI by focusing on the improvement of digital and technological skills. CREMEL is a 2-years project scheduled with a programme that includes the development of the network, the design of the Creative Academy and the management of the online training platform.

The project will contribute to spread and share new knowledge about a better CCIs management, encouraging the achievement of the following expected outcomes:

-Empowered networks of professionals and people working in CCIs field in rural and remote areas, stimulating and promoting relationships with enterprises, creating creative capital and knowledge, attracting resources from outside the involved Countries and regions, increasing

the value of enterprises and cultural and creative initiatives and crafting publishing and multimedia productions and communication projects;

-Improved awareness about new media impact on European cultural growth and development of CCIs increasing the number of CCIs operators and professionals trained in the involved Countries;

-Improved number of training tools about new media and technologies, supporting effective and innovative methodologies through the capacities on demanding digital and cultural skills, increasing employment opportunities in cultural and creative sector, especially for people from rural and remote areas and making CCIs even more accessible for every person around the world, in a “training for all” perspective;,cremel__kreatywne_laboratorium_medialne

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