GEMSE GEmeinsam Mehr Social Entrepreneurship

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GEMSE (GEmeinsam Mehr Social Entrepreneurship) is a multi-stakeholder initiative that wants to promote social entrepreneurship in Austria. The goal is to promote a framework for social enterprises and social innovation. The supporting network counts among its supporters Arbeit Plus, Ashoka, aws, Impact Hub, IV, the Council for

Together with the stakeholder organizations, GEMSE has formulated and published the 10 core positions for more social innovation and social entrepreneurship in Austria. These core positions are an important guide for the development of social entrepreneurship in Austria, and include the following topics:

1. Funding of incubation programs and local infrastructure
2. Development and expansion of (further) training measures
3. Create the conditions for cross-sectoral cooperation
4. Ensuring sustainably financed funding structures that are open to social enterprises and social innovations
5. Mobilizing private capital through tax incentives
6. Provision of growth funding
7. Expansion of alternative forms of financing
8. In-depth implementation of the EU Social Business Initiative
9. Reform of the tax framework for the public benefit
10. Use leeway through new public procurement law

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