Il passo della barca

Published by Net4SocialImpact Support on

Il Passo della Barca wants to promote the growth of the quality of life of the community, channelling the wish of participation towards the strengthening of the sense of community and belonging and promoting the development of a collaborative economy. The general impact to be pursued is the steady activation of a generative model that responds to the needs identified in the community.

– Which products/services does this enterprise/organization provide to the general public?

The project focuses on the “resilience” of the Barca Community and identifies the Piazza Bernardi newsstand, in the suburban neighborhood Barca, located in Bologna (through supporting neighbourhood relations which they consider a common good to be preserved and relaunched) as a multifunctional hub to generate – “in and around” the newsstand – a social cohesion and value. The implementation of the project wishes to start from the central role of the people with the aim of activating a model of regenerative community that operates close to their own home and that expresses the resilience demonstrated in the past months, during the current pandemic. They offer to the general public proximity services, such as shopping delivery, pre and after school care, small maintenance, support to daily activities (dog sitting, parcel storage, tailoring, home care in the absence of the owner

– Which products/services does this enterprise/organization provide to other enterprises?

This organization can provide information about crowdfunding and redeveloping public spaces with a bottom-up approach

– What kind of collaborations are you looking for?

The main need is a financing for the purchase and restyling of the current newsstand, as well as the equipping of the surrounding area. They are looking for cooperation in seeking information about adaptation to the relevant legislation for cooperative: the ambition is to activate job exchange. How to make a User become a working member?

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