On the online platform, outdoor equipment is successfully brokered between private landlords and private renters in Austria under the umbrella of the Shared Economy.
NEEDIT is the only platform in Austria where private lessors are able to rent their outdoor equipment. The platform offers both landlords and renters maximum flexibility. The renters are no longer tied to the usual opening hours of the trade. The lessors can decide when their product is available for rent – namely only when it is not needed by themselves.
NEEDIT stands for a value-oriented community that fights together for the reduction of the ecological footprint of outdoor enthusiasts. With a clear focus on renting instead of buying and letting instead of throwing away, we are strongly committed to the megatrend of renting. Our goal is to keep products on the platform in circulation for as long as possible, and with our brand we are taking a strong stand against the throwaway trend. Everyone who is part of the NEEDIT community is part of this movement. No competitor takes a similar approach.
We are looking for strong cooperations partners that share the same values as we do in order to convey our message to a greater target audience.
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