Slovenska Karitas

Caritas is a charitable institution of the Roman Catholic Church in Slovenia and realizes the charitable and social mission of the Church.
The basis of Caritas’ work is voluntary work. By the end of 2012, there were 9,413 permanent volunteers working in the Parish Caritas, who worked a total of 481,726 hours. They are joined by many benefactors who regularly support the work of Caritas.
Project “Sustainable management of water and other resources to better conditions for health and life in Karongi district of Rwanda”: in collaboration with for profit company, GeoCodis d.o.o. and with the support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, project will provide drinking water and improve hygiene through renovation 4 plumbing systems, construction of wells and hand washing stations, including awareness and prevention of the spread of COVID-19. 1,450 people from the poorest families will be trained to start crafts and better agricultural practices
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