Zadruga Zelenica (Zelenica cooperative)

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At Zadruga Zelenica, we’re dedicated to enhancing the lives of residents in the Zagreb community with our wide range of enriching activities and programs. Our programs have been designed to be social, cultural and educational engagement for community members of all ages. Since 2011, through Association Vestigium our members have benefited from the variety of our programs and services.

Cooperative Zelenica brings together local ecological family farms, creatives, artists, craftsmen, educators and promoters of sustainable development. It promotes and places on the market the products and services of cooperatives.

The Cooperative Social Center Brezovica will be established within the Cooperative, which will act as a cooperative shop, business incubator, cafe, space for workshops and lectures whose program will be created by its members, cooperatives in cooperation with citizens.

Cooperatives save space and develop all the possible resources that the community has at its disposal and help us all be more successful together. Cooperative values are self-help, responsibility, democracy, equality, fairness, solidarity, honesty, openness, social responsibility and care for the local community.

With this way of doing business, we are already creating a different “climate” with a positive social impact for the sustainable development of the local community. Always looking for networking and partners in CE.;

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