Zavod znanje Postojna

Knowledge Institute, a public institute for museum activities, culture, education and other activities, was established in 2009. It currently unites six organizational units. The purpose of institute is to connect different organization within a common organizational framework to enable mor efficient and coherent pursuit of strategic, program and development goals in the local environment.
Project “Dwarf Vodko – education and awareness of the youngest users” is a project implemented with the aim of raising awareness of the youngest population at an early stage, about water use and importance of water resources. Children are a good transfer of knowledge to adults, who are their daily role models. The purpose is to remind people to drink tap water on a daily basis in a sympathetic and friendly and playful way, and consequently to be aware that water is not a self-evident good and therefore care for the environment is also important.Project is implemented in collaboration with local water company, Kovod Postojna, d.o.o. and Elementary school Pivka.
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