Baumhaus – MAP Associazione di Promozione Sociale

Through Baumaus, a network of different projects, MAP aim to use culture as a tool to open spaces of autonomy in the suburbs, to develop critical skills and to imagine and build work and training paths that start from the needs and desires of the new generations, creating at the same time work opportunities for culture professionals.
Baumhaus is a physical space, baumhaus 25/2, a cultural hub inside the Dopolavoro Ferroviario park in Bologna. In the field of non formal education what MAP does is to facilitate the relationship between adolescents, schools, educational institutions and families as fundamental part of the community building process.
For example, this network implements transversal activities dedicated to secondary schools in the district.
Conception of the line concept / Creative Research / Study of Materials / Printing Techniques / Fashion Design / Graphic Design / Social Media Strategy and Management / Videomaking / Crowdfunding campaign design / Organisation of cultural events / Marketing strategy and sales channels / Business modeling / Field visits / Meetings with sector professionals / Organisation of the final fashion show: music, performance, set design.
Three operational working groups:
- fashion design
- communication and events
- strategy and economic sustainability
Events to present the project and identify the group / Summer school in September 2019 / 1-2 days of intensive training per month + cultural events between October 2019 and June 2020 / Summer School in September 2020 / Individual interviews for guidance and accompaniment to training and employment
- the kick-off of the project will be on 7 June, within BAUM 2019 – followed by concerts
- the first collection will be presented during the BAUM 2020 Festival
- Ciofs FP-ER, a training institution offering three-year vocational, cultural and entrepreneurial education and training paths for young people aged 15 to 18.
- baumhaus, a company engaged in the design and management of innovative cultural training courses, fundraising in education and training, community organising and production of cultural events.
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